Today's poem is by Lisa Fay Coutley
To The Astronaut: On Impact
I understand. I do. I used to lie back
flat against asphalt & take our moonthrough binocularshands steady
as the dead's. I understand a planet isits history of impact, what gets ripped
away & what gets left. The moon struckfrom here flickers one brilliant sigh, one
small mouth stunned in the night, sayingnothing of two bodies about to collide.
Remember the way your legs dangledover volcanic rock, the sun pressing
so heavy against the water we wereforced to bow? There's no prayer now.
Just histories that can only be toldgiven distance & time. Can't you see
from therehow a target archesto meet the body cast into its moment
of shared light? I understand the evidenceis the catastrophe. To be defined. You
chortled. You snored. You chewed this sky.
Copyright © 2016 Lisa Fay Coutley All rights reserved
from Sugar House Review
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