Today's poem is by Charles Harper Webb
Suffer the Shriveled of Spirit to Curse at You
Does not the worldthat fat lout
stomp on their corns, hard?
Do they not starve for sweets
that, eaten, stab their cavities?Let them aouga as you make
a legal left. Let them howl
as you drop the last on-sale
angelfood cake into your cartjust as they run up, slobbering.
Don't resent their scowls
when you ask, all courtesy, to use
the lat machine they lounge around,grousing with other curdled
hearts they think are friends.
Why shout back when, in the library,
they denounce a printerthat, for all others, works fine?
Didn't their hopes take
a crippling fall? Aren't they dropsical
with lack of love, guts burstingwith the winds of "Why not me?"
Never thinkeven if they seem
to prosperthey don't writhe in psychic
hovels, begging-cups repletewith holes. Never think their limbs
don't shake, muscles crow-barred
off their bones by useless efforts
to pump up their punctured pride.Decline to provide the whack-
across-the-face Justice declares
their due. Be sureas you despise
their jowls, and the cankeredholes from which they spray I
spout I spew-that even
on your worst day, they don't resemble
Copyright © 2016 Charles Harper Webb All rights reserved
from Green Mountains Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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