Today's poem is by Monique Ferrell
for the good 'men of new orleans
and so it is that a man understands himself knowing that after the waters subside it
will take the great weight and magnitude of newly cleaned hands to harness these ruinsbuild upon this kind of injury
and so he will dupe his allthetime diligent conscience into believing that mortar
and cinderblocks are the tonic for what ails you when what ails you is the bad ache
of bone crushing down on bone a mass exodus into thunderdome
all the while maintaining his composure with excuse me and if you pleasesome semblance of civility
when there is none to he found
and the women round about him are looking for men to be genteel benefactors
here upon this grave midnight certain to be the last huddled together with women
who are not his own while his own he knows have blown by bloated and swollen
down bourbon street the used to be world becomes a dirty ocean yielding nothingever the optimist he says aloud to no one in particular but to anyone who is listening
laissez les bon temps rouler imagining in his mannish heart what he will build anewastonishing a now engaged world with his arrogance and stick-to-it-tive-ness
seeing in his deceptive mind's eye a hand-ofgod-shine where the mud
and decimation once made a homebut the women around him know better and are now looking upon a madman
who has lost much to the unforgiving outside he is but one person more to look afterbeyond themselves and the children who are on their last diaper bit of food
and very last bit of pretend
every woman here knows these men will become dangers to themselves now
malcontent taking shape over stiliformingbone discovering no promise within
the receding waters no hidden condition about being free from thisfor a man knows what he knows understands himself when a boy that he is separate
from girls he is a certainty she a moving thing subject to his whimsmuch like the water
and because he believes in this certainty and it is validated along the way
he believes himself to be a genteel benefactorthat he is courageous a winged hero into the maelstrom of their nightmares
pushing back time and tide
a doer a fixer not this allthetime standingstill man now false
in the face of the upending of the whole complete and entire worldbut it is this newday daylight the out into the very last dog-tired morning
the promise of rescue and removal that finally costs one man his soul
having prayed for the sun and for dry earth to trod upon it takes the raw
and privileged prying eyes of camerasto tell a truth
that all is not well with the women in his care that there is a new haunt in their
ancient eyes one more debt that he can never repay like being sold or running
away chasing northern lights that promise freedomthe dark depth of his generational silence
and now this
he has become a man who cannot hold back water
keep it off of his roof or out of his home and after a today like today
not out of the eyes of any woman he knowsbut it is the overload of fresh menstrual blood heavy like more rain water down so many
brown thighs staining ten-day-old clothes that finally breaks his heart into knowinga man knows nothing really and that his hands slow and limited
could never really protect these women now pushing the playpretend button
stoic faces before a stunned world
they do not ask for this penance this sickwithsadness man now at their feet stepping out
of his dishrags using them to wipe each woman clean
his own spittle now ash to bathe their stained legsthey gather him up instead this good man who learned too much today
and carry him fonvard as they always have countless times and generations before
Copyright © 2016 Monique Ferrell All rights reserved
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