
Today's poem is "Instructions for Going Unnoticed"
from The Veronica Maneuver

The University of Akron Press

Jennifer Moore is the author of the chapbook What the Spigot Said (High5 Press). Poems have appeared in American Letters & Commentary, Best New Poets, B O D Y, Columbia Poetry Review, and elsewhere. A native of the Seattle area, Jennifer is an assistant professor of poetry at Ohio Northern University, where she teaches courses in creative writing, literature, and composition. Currently, she lives in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Books by Jennifer Moore:

Other poems on the web by Jennifer Moore:
Four poems
[When sunlight becomes an object]
[I went to the city, came back with Technicolor]
[I took aim and let the horseshoe go]

Jennifer Moore's Website.

About The Veronica Maneuver:

"In The Veronica Maneuver, each poem is a flammable mouth that refuses to be muzzled. Dazzling and dislocating the reader with ventriloquism, vaudevillian gowns, and sword swallowing, the book's arresting tone is established by its torero title and first line—'In the Year of Our Lord the Electric Chair.' The sizzle, hazard (and humor) of Moore's work dilates as she dismantles the commonplace with deft conjuring. Negotiating a space for women's voices that is electric and multivalent, her poetry pivots on 'making maneuvers look effortless,' and she is a masterful matador, unfurling the vibrant cloth of her poems to challenge and rouse us. These are 'blood-dance' evocations deserving to be heard."
—Simone Muench

"Jennifer Moore cuts right to the marrow and in so doing finds the marrow's song. 'Doesn't each history,' she asks, 'contain another body?' Perhaps this is her way of showing that our humanity is revealed in our woundedness. Yet in Moore's lushly musical poems, it also means something stranger, mysterious—yes, something magical. The harmonies that fulfill these poems know grief as well as wit, intelligence, and empathy. This poet incises language with passion, not dispassion, until breath and pulse coalesce. In this fine book, 'the absorber and the absorbed become one.' "
—Elizabeth Robinson

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