Today's poem is by Kyle McCord
Dürer in the Valley of Oleanders
One wastes time
loving anythingthis much: the foliage
won't still,shuttering and trading
shadowsin the coronary
earth. The pigmentand sugar get it wrong.
Like his languagein the Venetian's mouth
Farbkasten,said the merchant, and wronged
the word. To translatetires him-oleanders to forks,
cliffs to decapitatedgenerals. It's the errors; always
the clumsy toolin the clumsier hand. Diirer
steps backfrom the makeshift easel.
On the outskirtsof Arco there is little to traffic.
Laughter of women,one muscling a wheelbarrow,
others basketingoranges, is as indifferent as the cries
of pelagic birds.He loves this monotony. But isn't
love wastedon vineyards? Down the Alps
comes a rumbleof horned deer. Watch
as he swirlsthe pigment, adds the tar; ed road.
The deer growlouder. That man, those animals,
reckless and ragged,will tear this mountain
to their will.
Copyright © 2015 Kyle McCord All rights reserved
from West Branch
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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