Today's poem is by Leslie Harrison
That this is the morning in which nothing much
that the sky is still there and the water dresses
accordingly that only at night does the water rest
vanish from sight that the stars are too small
too far to be reflected recorded there that all our
names too are writ invisibly on water that abiding
requires more hope than I can possibly acquire
that hope is not a thing with feathers that hope is
a thing with a fist a species of violence that hope
is a thin crust sketched over oceans that hope is
what despair uses for bait come in hope says
the water's fine that hope is the blood with which
you write letters that start dear sea dear ocean
stop asking so fucking much that hope is a telegram
delivered by stiff men in uniform a telegram that says
missing stop that says once again presumed lost stop
Copyright © 2015 Leslie Harrison All rights reserved
from Cherry Tree
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