Today's poem is by Jehanne Dubrow
Casualty Notificaton
The Only N ews I know
Is Bulletins all Day
From Immortality.
Emily Dickinson
Switch channels, stop
the breaking news,
press mute to hush
the anchorman's reviews
of war, his litany
of each device
and bomb gone off today.
Silence the price
of bread or medicare
or gasoline.
Make the black pinpoint
on the TV screen.
Unplug the blackbox
from the mouth of the wall.
Uncradle the phone so
nobody can call.
Let the venetian blinds
blind everyone
to what's outsidethe dead,
indifferent sun,
the car pulled up along
the curb, the vexed
men in uniforms
looking for next
They bring a check
to pay the cost
of grieving. Their dark sedan
puffs out exhaust.
And now, the only sound
a daybird singing,
the only bulletin
a doorbell ringing.
Copyright © 2015 Jehanne Dubrow All rights reserved
from West Branch
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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