Today's poem is "Orpheus, Resigned"
from Alloy
Jan Bottiglieri
's poems have appeared in a variety of journals and anthologies including Harpur Palate, Court Green, Bellevue Literary Review, Rattle and Sunrise From Blue Thunder. Her chapbook Where Gravity Pools the Sugar was published in 2013. She is a freelance writer and editor living in suburban Chicago, and serves as managing editor for the literary annual RHINO.
Books by Jan Bottiglieri:
Other poems on the web by Jan Bottiglieri:
"The past is alloy, gigantic"
"Dear Atlas"
Three poems
Two poems
Three poems
Two poems
"The Wolf That Swallowed a Rose"
Jan Bottiglieri's Website.
About Alloy:
"What a pleasure to read this most engaging and ingenious voice. With irresistible precision, Jan Bottiglieri's poems both record and transform the everyday where it means most. That is plenty, but then she also hits you with poems that look hard at what can be hard to look at. The accessible manner is deceptive. You will read these poems more than once."
"Alloy by Jan Bottiglieri is gigantic! The sky of her wondering is wide. You can open this book to a zombie apocalypse, Pinocchio in middle age, or poems pure as parables about everyday life and death. Like fables of love and loss, these poems are tender and hard. Whether she's writing about a half-mermaid dental hygienist or the death of her own father, mother, or brother, this book is about the heart, the little and big breaks. The whole of life hums in the bones of these poems. Jan Bottiglieri is simply one of the best, and this book is the test of it."
"The past is never where you think you left it, writes Katherine Ann Porter, and this stunning first collection proves it. With a keen and unflinching eye, Jan Bottiglieri's Alloy recovers personal history and memory from the most unexpected places: in the daily acts of ironing a father's handkerchief or baking a mother’s kolacky; in the worlds of fairy tale, myth, and aliens; and in the mundanea button, a butterfly, a laser machine, a broken lawn mower. Every poem in this book could be an elegy or a love poem to life itselffor what else is life if not an amalgam of loves and losses, of dreams and waking, of remembrance and forgetting? If poetry is a stay against oblivion, then Bottiglieri's poems are precious alloys that fuse her narrative and lyrical gifts with limitless imagination and largesse of compassion, so that not only does the past resist corrosion, but shines with a fierce, untarnished brilliance. Here are poems that affirm the life gigantic by the supreme poetic act of looking closelyat something simple as, say, an apple: Inside I will find / the star / unseen. / . . . star- / flower / memory, petal bones, / in white, dark / seeds. Brava!"
Marvin Bell
Chris Green
Angela Narciso Torres
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