Today's poem is by Abraham Smith
what kept me
from shooting myself
when i was ten
was going to the river bridge
fish like flags that's all
all i have ever had
to say
fish like flags and i probably stolid
that from v woolf
sometimes comfortable
with the current sometimes advancing on it
like life
mmm long time remembering
the tug of the waters against my ankles
in the days before hairs
something like time is a rinsing thing
or star a alabaster start or
like a river i am always just begin
if how you approach things is clean
then poke this way along
up over the lane where
the creaking and the fans and the more
more belts watch
your fingers around them friend
behind the beautiful rocking
never will quite quit tip
this grace friend
you don't have to wait for what i am talking about
hug me out airy fear manure carts
throwing turkey tail of you know what
till the land stands so green
them golfing radicals
dream and drool
a pillow so heather in linnet
you could wring it and
satiate an birdie
for least one two moon
Copyright © 2012 Abraham Smith All rights reserved
from Cutbank
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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