Today's poem is by Suzanne Marie Hopcroft
A word to the wise: do not attempt
to lasso my brief cyclone. So it'swhirling up dust and tromping down
hail, eking out a brash polka on the tinroofs of our asleep town. Hungry,
it will take in fence-post and baledhay and watering spout, will torrent
them back again to roads and verandasonly when its joints give. It is, in a
word, wildwants a plain to kneadand banter, an empty sky to stake, and
will make one by shredding apartour house. But it isn't for you to rope,
keep captive beside our half-beakchickens in the yard, pawing bedded
stones and pacing in the heavy calm.
Copyright © 2013 Suzanne Marie Hopcroft All rights reserved
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