Today's poem is by Kathy Fagan
Shoo Fly
Scratch a ponderosa pine &you get
butterscotch. What she meant was nick it.
She used her hatchet.
Amber ensued. A pudding.
She snapped the cape to her Subaru & flew it.
Say you were bad at rations & the scent faded.
Say it was hopscotch she'd meant all along.
That season was diamond-hard & you the occlusion in it.
The next was a Flemish painting &you the pit in the stone fruit.
Pain is a quarantine all its own.
It comes with padded earphones & a joystick.
Hear the tone close hear the tone farther.
Stars explode in the head &you squeeze squeeze squeeze.
Say you were bad at weather & the chalk faded.
Say it was another tune you'd wanted all along.
Suddenly you're eating soft-serve on a ferry & singing
campfire songs under Orion.
Here are the willows skip to my lou.
Here are the roses skip to my lou.
She skipped it my darling my darling now you.
Copyright © 2012 Kathy Fagan All rights reserved
from Cimarron Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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