
Today's poem is by Rebecca Hazelton

Love Poem for What It Is

There's nothing in the world that loves you
more than the space you already take up.
There's nothing in the world that won't
forget you faster than you forgot
the last person that stepped out from your life.
When the cat reaches up
one needled paw to drag down a book
from your desk, then another,
that's not love—that's dominance.
When you reach up your hand and try to wheedle
someone else's to hold it, that's love
dominating you. There's no word for loving more
than you should, just the feeling of excess,
as if your tongue burst in a rash of red sequins,
as if everyone can see your stutter in the air,
staccato love you, love you, and nothing in the world
standing in that space to receive it.

Copyright © 2013 Rebecca Hazelton All rights reserved
from The Southeast Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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