Today's poem is by J.W. Marshall
"they spoke in pins
they were silent in needles"
- Miroslav Holub
Didn't see the kingfisher
heard him though
and thought about himA cable connects one bank to the other
chains hang there by which means sea lions
are kept from eating every fish that isLike any king the kingfisher
resembles a soft ball with a sword
but is not to be confused with eitherNot a softball with a sword
a smallish shorebird capable of
leaving quite a gash in quietIt is fashion to call bird sounds song
to say that salmon run
to name the clouds all kinds of namesIt's just one cloud today
and so much cloud that who would know
we're balanced on the sunAnd who would know that this canal
is balanced on a bird like that
perched out on a cable
Copyright © 2013 J.W. Marshall All rights reserved
from Hubbub
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