Today's poem is by Emily Wolahan
Embleton Bay
This incredible wager of better
sets off the campaign; its brightness burns
out the edges, splits itself as long tracks
of seawater finger the beach, then unite.
The vacation homes on the bluff
spread their empty approach over rain,
severing clouds.
Often the size of things
confuses me. Some appear hideous,
engorged like painted balloons,
their faces stretched so far the colors
pale. We find ourselves standing
on dank sand, sinking and silent. How old
it all looks. The light somehow abandoned
post-apocalypse. The architectural features
bred between wars.
I will climb inside
the bristles of that bare bright hedge
and winter until a swimming-pool-blue
Then I'll unpack.
Some kelp has clumped on the sand,
the moat around it deepening as the sea
retreats. Tendrils fanned, its glisten
bodily and internal. We can try.
And the payoff increases and the loss.
We follow a path into the dune grass
Oh, motley solutions, tools, promises:
you are holding back the sea.
Copyright © 2012 Emily Wolahan All rights reserved
from The National Poetry Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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