Today's poem is "M/mediation I Dominance"
from domina Un/blued
Ruth Ellen Kocher
’s previous books include Desdemona’s Fire (Naomi Long Madget Award for African American Poets; Lotus Press, 1999), When the Moon Knows You’re Wandering (Green Rose Prize; New Issues, 2001), and One Girl Babylon (New Issues, 2003). Her poems have appeared in many anthologies, including Angles of Ascent: A Norton Anthology of Contemporary African American Poets, and New Bones: Contemporary Black Writing in America. She teaches in the M.F.A. program at the University of Colorado-Boulder.
Books by Ruth Ellen Kocher:
Other poems on the web by Ruth Ellen Kocher:
Two poems
Three poems
Two poems
"The Law of Suspects"
"When You Say Grotesque"
Five poems
Eight poems
Ruth Ellen Kocher's Website.
Ruth Ellen Kocher According to Wikipedia.
Ruth Ellen Kocher on Twitter.
About domina Un/blued :
"Ruth Ellen Kocher’s masterful fourth volume of poetry domina Un/blued is a book-length meditation on ownership, dominion, and domination. With admirable dexterity the book both decries power and celebrates empowerment. Perforated by white space, the poems seem to hover above the page, systematically undermining a linear reading. domina Un/blued is at once deeply moving and wildly intelligent… a wonderful book—sophisticated, beautiful, and innovative."
"domina Un/blued is resolutely austere, with each lyric appearing to start from the erasure of the preceding—like snowfall atop a snow bank. ‘Atop’ because these are chilling poems about power and powerlessness where the speaker seems ‘beautifully removed’ like ‘a lover’s eye//…a continent unto itself’; leaving the reader subject to the stark authority of Kocher’s eerie tableaux, her dissolutions of language, love and personhood. I did not read this book, I submitted to it."
Lynn Emanuel
Douglas Kearney
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