Today's poem is
"Song of the Jellyfish"
from River Styx
Lee Upton
is the author of twelve books, including five collections of poetry, a novella, and four books of literary criticism. Her most recent book is Swallowing the Sea: On Writing & Ambition, Boredom, Purity, & Secrecy (Tupelo Press, 2012). She is the writer-in-residence at Lafayette College.
Other poems by Lee Upton in Verse Daily:
Books by Lee Upton:
Other poems on the web by Lee Upton:
Lee Upton according to Wikipedia.
About River Styx:
February 12, 2012: "Ode to Ink" "There has to be a heart in a book..."
March 3, 2009: "Dear Succubus" "Ornery and ancient..."
November 25, 2007: "The Table" "To rise from the table..."
April 25, 2006: "Undid in the Land of Undone" " All the things I wanted to do and didn't..."
"The Coast of Apples"
"And Though She Be But Little, She is Fierce"
"Drunk at a Party"
Two poems
"The Broom"
"The Decorator Crab"
Subscription: 1 year (3 issues), $20
Other poems from River Styx in Verse Daily:
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River Styx * 634 North Grand * Twelfth Floor * St. Louis, MO 63103
Editor: Richard Newman
August 11, 2010: "Stone Seeking Warmth" by Stephen Dunn
August 9, 2010: "Puffer Fish" by Charles Harper Webb
July 2, 2009: "How to Sleep" by Dorianne Laux
August 2, 2008: "Sunset Knoll" by George Bilgere
July 7, 2007: "G Is for Not Just One George" by Mary Jo Bang
January 7, 2007: "G Is for Not Just One George" by Mary Jo Bang
January 3, 2007: "God's Ode to Creation" by Maura Stanton
July 23, 2006: "The Devil's Trill" by Timothy Liu
July 18, 2006: "The Fern Seed" by Cecily Parks
January 25, 2006: "Single-Lens Reflex" by Debra Kang Dean
January 12, 2006: "Becoming Involved" by Elizabeth Rees
June 2, 2005: "Eighty From Seventy-Eight" by William Gass
May 31, 2005: "Maybe" Myrna Stone
May 30, 2005: "Chum" Lucia Perillo
July 2, 2004: "In Ambient Light" by Greg Rappleye
June 30, 2004: "Darwin Enters the City of His Birth" by Melanie Dusseau
September 4, 2003: "Luxembourg howtosleeps at Twilight" by James Doyle
September 3, 2003: "Thank You" by Molly Peacock
March 7, 2003: "Love, with Trees and Lightning" by Catie Rosemurgy
March 6, 2003: "A Leopard Hanging in a Tree" by Eric Rawson
March 3, 2003: "Waiting With a Stranger" by David Simpson
February 25, 2003: "Fame and Fortune Cookie" by Richard Cecil
December 6, 2002: Small Ghost Poem by Lawrence Raab
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