Today's poem is "Crane"
from Birds of the Air
David Yezzi's books of poems include The Hidden Model (2003); Azores (2008), a Slate magazine best book of the year; and Birds of the Air, forthcoming from Carnegie Mellon. His work has been anthologized in The Best American Poetry (2006, 2012), The Paris Review Book, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, Poetry Speaks Who I Am, Bright Wings, and elsewhere. He is editor of The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets (foreword by J. D. McClatchy) and executive editor of The New Criterion. He lives in New York City.Other poems by David Yezzi in Verse Daily:
April 21, 2009: "Free Period" "Outside study hall..."Books by David Yezzi:
Other poems on the web by David Yezzi:
Eight poems
Two poemsDavid Yezzi According to Wikipedia.
About Birds of the Air:
"Severe grace and elegiac intensity inform the deft lyrics throughout but particularly 'Tomorrow & Tomorrow.' Somber and replete with an elegant pathos, this travesty of Macbeth lingers in my mind."
—Harold Bloom"The title poem of David Yezzi’s book is charming, and the narratives that follow give repeated pleasure by their rough vigor of form and language."
—Richard Wilbur"'As sandstone ends, the world of ghosts begins': David Yezzi’s poems— these vivid remembrances of things past, these depictions of 'the mess that’s me' — are essentially short stories, tales of naughtiness in nursing homes, of the griddle wizardry of short-order cooks, of a love affair wrecked by a second-rate production of Macbeth. While Yezzi’s verse may be formal and polished, his voice is always intimate, often slangy, and extraordinarily confiding. 'It must give pleasure,' said Wallace Stevens, and David Yezzi’s Birds of the Air does that, again and again and again."
—Michael Dirda
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