
Today's poem is "He Kept them There All Year"
from Estrus

The Aldrich Press

Bill Neumire’s work has appeared in several reputable journals in the United States and abroad. Recent work has appeared in American Poetry Journal, Laurel Review, Los Angeles Review, and Tule Review among others. He currently serves as an assistant editor for Brickhouse Books and the literary magazine Verdad.

Books by Bill Neumire:

Other poems on the web by Bill Neumire:
Two poems
"To the Girl Who Disappeared"
"The Worst Buddhist"
Two poems
"Please Understand"
"Father is the Factory"

About Estrus:

"In a distinctive voice that is at once both mythic, in a fable-telling kind of way, and realistic, in a no-punches-pulled kind of way, William Neumire’s new book, Estrus, charts our desire for connection and the forces that keep us from connecting. The person behind these poems is the 'worst Buddhist' because he wants 'something out of everything,' yet is living, like all of us, in a world of 'Marxist disconnection,' in which, cut off from the rhythms of life, we live in “urges,' 'amazed [only] by how little we know of ourselves.' These are poems of great yearning, which like 'animals in estrus will run/for miles through traffic & snow & bullets' in order to 'collapse with bloom' rather than be extinguished by soul-less work in 'factories that do not close.'"
—Robert Cording

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