Today's poem is by Sarah Giragosian
The Decorator Crab,
bedecked with seaweed, polyps, knobs, and buds
of algae, wheels around the shore on legs
like mossy branches while it looks around
for fringe or sponge to hook upon its back.
Its eye for dough is matchless, though the jazz
it wears is mismatched: rosette webs with sand-
encrusted seaweed, scraps of dross and fish
tissue, and hodgepodge bits to hide beneath.
The guise is custom-made, arrayed in such
a way to con and keep its foes away.
There's nothing paltry on its zigzag route,
and every slight anemone or snarl
of string may be desired and conjoined
with it. Eclectic crab, collector flecked
with others, nothing can be drab so long
as objects hold allure as intimates.
Copyright © 2012 Sarah Giragosian All rights reserved
from Copper Nickel
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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