
Today's poem is by Nance Van Winckel

Talk-Talk, Ambulance Style

No, the snow did not burn you. Let's try
another mask. What ABC of your late day
brings you to the way back of our way back?
Remove the mask and you won't breathe,
and sure, the mysteries intersect at this stoplight
but we always run it, buddy. We're closing in
on the get-well factory. Or possibly the well you
hasn't been invented yet? Try this mask then
over that other. "Miasmal Mist?" Those ain't
words we know. Breathe good or breathe bad
but breathe, Christ on a crutch, no talk,
only listen. It got close to but didn't strike bone.
Here's the heart then. Just. Just listen.
"Blue swallow?" No, no, blue pill.

Copyright © 2012 Nance Van Winckel All rights reserved
from The Cincinnati Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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