Today's poem is by Stephanie E. Schlaifer
Almost always,
this is what they call itThe mark in the landscape
the dark streak in the landscapeso intently cut
it looks innocent enoughonly a chalk line fuzzed out to its edges and
smooth as a banisterunpredictable then
regrettably distinctwhat is clear from above
in the aftermath
The path of a tornado
sweeps clean across
whole fields and towns
sometimes whole statesand leaves a scar that tenors
like a Rothko it hums
what it obliteratesthe afterward a lapping wind
like a woman cutting muslin
at a table a muted sound
of yardages unboltingIt is a kind of onomatopoeia
an influence
of both destruction
and yieldNot surprisingly,
the word has its origins in grain
areas rich with it seem
easiest to devastateThe swath a measure of the width
of a grassland
reckoned by the width
of the scythea long and curving blade,
fastened at an angle
to a long handle
a pair of hands
under which
whole fields give way.
Copyright © 2012 Stephanie E. Schlaifer All rights reserved
from The Carolina Quarterly
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