Today's poem is by Kim Roberts
for Martha Tabor
Fog lay atop the single field
like a balm,
perfectly contained,hovering just above
the long grass.
Perhaps descendingfrom the sky,
or rising perhaps
from the earth, in the fieldfog connected the two,
the ground and the air,
sewed them togetherin loose white stitches.
It looked medicinal,
the fog healing the field.To your doctors
who live
by the body's obliquity,who make their living
by your swerving,
I raise these wisps of vapor,indeterminate fog fixed and bounded
by a slim rail fence,
like the tenuous knotsof abraded bandage, like a prayer,
in its shapelessness.It was nighttime,
just, the sun gone
and the last shreds of lusterleaching from the trees,
the pale pantheon
gathering in a field before dispersing.
Copyright © 2012 Kim Roberts All rights reserved
from Beloit Poetry Journal
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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