
Today's poem is "Where the Hero Speaks to Others"

from MAKE: A Literary Magazine

Wendy Xu is the author of the chapbook The Hero Poems (forthcoming, H_NGM_N BKS, 2011). She was selected by D.A. Powell as the winner of the 2011 Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The American Poetry Journal, ANTI-, Cutbank, Drunken Boat, InDigest, PANK, and elsewhere.

Other poems on the web by Wendy Xu:
Three poems
"Red Car in the Future"
"You Are Not Who They Wanted You To Be" (audio)
"A Poem about New York on Occasion of Leaving New York"
"In Case of Emergency Open Your Eyes"
"Mountain Poem"
Six poems
Two poems
"Several Altitudes of Not Talking"

Three poems
"In the Year the Hero Becomes a Fixture of His Landscape"
"Love Poem of Icarus in Space"

"The Total Number of Things that Matter is on the Rise"

"Spring With A Locked Jaw and Fevered Light"

Three poems from The Dream Horse

Wendy Xu's Website.

Wendy Xu on Twitter.

About MAKE: A Literary Magazine:

Subscription: 1 year (2 issues) $22
MAKE: A Literary Magazine * 2229 W. Iowa #3 * Chicago, IL 60622
Poetry Editor: Joel Craig
Other poems by MAKE: A Literary Magazine in Verse Daily:

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