Today's poem is
"Torch Song: Mad Song"
from Colorado Review
Allyson Paty
is the author of the chapbook The Further Away ([sic] 2012). Her poems have appeared in Tin House, Diagram, Boxcar Poetry Review, InDigest, and elsewhere. Her collaborations with poet Danniel Schoonebeek have appeared or are forthcoming in Gulf Coast, the Awl, HTMLGIANT, and Underwater New York.
Danniel Schoonebeck's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Tin House, Boston Review, Publishers Weekly, the Kenyon Review, Gulf Coast, Drunken Boat, the Rumpus, Crazyhorse, the Awl, and elsewhere. He was born in the Catskills.
Other poems on the web by Allyson Paty & Danniel Schoonebeck:
"Torch Song: Margaret"
"Torch Song: Filch"
Four poems
"Torch Song: Shipworm"
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Other poems from Colorado Review in Verse Daily:
Subscription: 1 year, $24
All other poems from Colorado Review that have appeared on Verse Daily:
March 30, 2009: "Hare" by Joseph Campana
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Copyright © 2002-2012 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
Colorado Review *
9105 Campus Delivery *
Department of English *
Colorado State University *
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-9105
Editor: Matthew Cooperman, Donald Revell, Sasha Steensen
Colorado Review * 9105 Campus Delivery * Department of English * Colorado State University * Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
Poetry Editors: Donald Revell * Sasha Steensen * Matthew Cooperman
October 31, 2012: "After the Feast at Year's End" by Brenda Hillman
October 30, 2012: "Une Lettre de la Mer de Glace" by Jo Ann Clark
July 17, 2012: "Sleep Song" "I want to remember the picture..."
July 16, 2012: "When a Man and a Woman Are Alone Together, the Third Person Present Is Satan" by Claire Sylvester Smith
December 23, 2011: "Cursive" by Elizabeth Willis
December 22, 2011: "Where They Feed Their Children to Kings" by John Gallaher
September 28, 2011: "Portrayal, X-Ray" by Cori A. Winrock
September 26, 2011: "The Strategy" by Kascha Semonovitch
June 23, 2011: "The Commendation" by Dean Young
August 21, 2010: "Conditionals" by Ryan Flaherty
December 23, 2009: "Untitled" by Ryan Flaherty (translated by Rosmarie Waldrop)
August 29, 2009: "Repititions" by Jennifer Moxley
April 6, 2009: "The People on the Bus" by Stephen Burt
April 4, 2009: "A List of Possibilities in an Uncertain Order" by Jack Ridl
April 2, 2009: "Iridescent, One Might Say" by Mary Ann Samyn
March 31, 2009: "Secret Sea" by Nathan Parker
January 6, 2009: "Ontology and the Platypus" by Kathy Fagan
August 8, 2008: "Smithereens" by L. S. Klatt
August 6, 2008: "Diorama with a 20-Watt Bulb Inside" by John Isles
April 18, 2008: "Bends" by Ron Paul Salutsky
April 15, 2008: "Schrödinger Reincarnated" by Dana Curtis
January 4, 2008: "You'll See a Sailboat" by Jaswinder Bolina
January 2, 2008: "Furlough" by Leslie Williams
December 23, 2007: "Eye Contact" by Craig Morgan Teicher
December 17, 2007: "In a Better World Than This" by James Cushing
November 19, 2007: "Sestina with Random Peace Words" by Monica Raymond
November 22, 2007: "Fighting" by Dana Goodyear
November 21, 2007: "Flicker" by Joanna Klink
November 20, 2007: "Poem Beside Itself" by Graham Foust
November 19, 2007: "Sestina with Random Peace Words" by Monica Raymond
November 8, 2007: "If You Should Care For Me" by Lacy Schutz
October 29, 2007: "Would That We Had" by DLacy Schutz