Today's poem is
"Ode to Ink"
from New Madrid
Lee Upton
is the author of twelve books, including Swallowing the Sea: On Writing & Ambition, Boredom, Purity & Secrecy, forthcoming 2012 from Tupelo Press. Her novella, The Guide to the Flying Island received the Miami University Novella Award. Her most recent book of poetry is Undid in the Land of Undone, from New Issues. Her poetry and fiction appear widely.
Other poems by Lee Upton in Verse Daily:
Books by Lee Upton:
Other poems on the web by Lee Upton:
Lee Upton according to Wikipedia.
About New Madrid:
March 3, 2009: "Dear Succubus" "Ornery and ancient..."
November 25, 2007: "The Table" "To rise from the table..."
April 25, 2006: "Undid in the Land of Undone" " All the things I wanted to do and didn't..."
"And Though She Be But Little, She is Fierce"
"Drunk at a Party"
Two poems
"The Broom"
"The Decorator Crab"
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Copyright © 2002-2012 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
New Madrid * Department of English and Philosophy * Murray State University * 7C Faculty Hall * Murray KY 42071-3341
Editor: Ann Neelon
Other poems by New Madrid in Verse Daily:
August 30, 2010: "The Incredible Shrinking Fool" by William Trowbridge
March 14, 2010: "The Leisure Class" by Robert Avery
February 4, 2010: "Because the Body is Made of Water" by Ephraim Scott Sommers
February 27, 2009: "Intelligent Design" by Richard Cecil
September 24, 2008: "My Lives" by Al Maginnes