
Today's poem is "Scylla"
from Fowling Piece

Triquarterly Books

Heidy Steidlmayer was awarded the J. Howard and Barbara M. J. Wood Prize from Poetry and a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers' Award. Her poems have appeared in Literary Imagination, Michigan Quarterly Review, Ploughshares, Poetry, River City, and TriQuarterly. She lives in Northern California with her family.

Books by Heidy Steidlmayer:

Other poems on the web by Heidy Steidlmayer:
Eleven poems
"The Graeae"

About Fowling Piece:

"Heidy Steidlmayer is madly, outrageously, beyond-all-reason-and-proportion in love with words: they are the stuff of life to her, her fetish and her faith. And in these ravishing poems, she shows us what it might look like to live by faith alone..... Steidlmayer has a mind like surgical steel and a spirit all radiance. Fowling Piece is a stunning debut."
—Linda Gregerson

"Heidy Steidlmayer's poems are quirky, incisive, and always brilliant, glittering with fascinating facets of sound and meaning. Whether she writes about mothering ('Three Daughters') or myth ('Scylla,' 'Charybdis') she surveys 'love or nothing' with keen vision. This is a riveting book."
—Sandra M. Gilbert

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