Today's poem is
"Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia"
from Fourteen Hills
Gail Rudd Entrekin has taught Poetry and English Literature at California colleges for 25 years. Her collection of poems, Change (Will Do You Good),(Poetic Matrix Press), was nominated for a Northern California Book Award, and her new collection, Rearrangement of the Invisible, is forthcoming in 2012. Her poems were finalists for the Pablo Neruda Poetry Prize from Nimrod in 2011. She is editor of the online environmental literary journal Canary ( and Poetry Editor of Hip Pocket Press in Orinda, California.Books by Gail Rudd Entrekin:
Other poems on the web by Gail Rudd Entrekin:
"Blue Whales"
Three poems
Three poems
"This is Just to Say"About Fourteen Hills:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $15
Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review *
Department of Creative Writing *
San Francisco State University *
1600 Holloway Avenue *
San Francisco, CA 94132-1722
Poetry Editors: Stephen Rosenshein
Other poems by Fourteen Hills in Verse Daily:
August 19, 2012: "Stork" by Rebecca Foust
February 27, 2012: "Frozen River, Winter Says Goodbye" by Jesse Damiani
July 29, 2011: "Giant Slayer Man" by Ricardo Pau-Llosa
March 25, 2011: "[Without Objectivity]" by Maxine Chernoff
March 23, 2011: "In the Early Morning in the Cypress Grove" by Michael Schiavo
September 15, 2010: "(Save)" by Alison Doernberg
May 9, 2010: "Drift" by Gregory Mahrer
May 8, 2010: "Definition:" by MRB Chelko
August 28, 2009: from Catabolism by Tsering Wangmo Dhompa
August 26, 2009: "Dear P. XII" by Victoria Chang
August 25, 2009: "Certainly Uncertain: a love of tone poem" by Bob Hicok
August 24, 2009: "Was to Have Been Called Whip-poor-will" by Lisa Olstein
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