Today's poem is by Amy Schrader
Tips of the Slung
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
-Sigmund Freud
Let's free associate, my friend: your bat
flattery will get you nowhere. Tease
my ears all you want, the battery's flat
& you've lost the jumper cables. Pleasedon't sweat the petty things & never pet
the sweaty things is the best advice we've
given yet. Cigarillo, cigarette:
your Zippo lights a tiny fire. Qui vive?Long live the blushing crow, the half-
warmed fish! I won't believe the emperor's
out of the shower just to leer & hiss
at youdarling half-wit, mooncalf, lovermy half-formed wish, a crushing blow,
you are my shining wit & quid pro quo.
Copyright © 2011 Amy Schrader All rights reserved
from The Journal
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