Today's poem is by Rich Hilles
Svendborg Sound
1. Ramsløg (Allium Ursinum)
All May, and everywhere
the scent
of scallions seeps in fromthe shadows
wherever the Baltic salts
the open airin breezy atmosphere appear
these thigh-
high, earth-grown, earthboundconstellations:
white popcorn clusters bursting
at the ends oflong green reedy shafts, now lit
sparklers, now shooting stars.Or frozen
meteor showers in seemingly
endless rowsof shadowy bouquets, these
pungent edible wildflowers.2.
Late June
when Denmark's surrounding waters
warm, sowill return the transparent iridescent
of jellyfish that float along the docksand wash
ashore each year. I could watch them
for hoursthese brilliant see-through negligees
condoms catching light and rainbowsin the bilge
of moored motor boats bobbing
up and down;at first they seem pure contaminant:
garbage bags
misused, made only to be discarded:aimless,
transitory, containing nothing and
nothingthemselves; but look close: see one
then pulse, all waking eye. And thereyou are
another waking I.
Copyright © 2011 Rick Hilles All rights reserved
from Salt Hill Journal
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