Today's poem is by Michael Schiavo
In the Early Morning in the Cypress Grove
The man has announced we cannot go on
no longer like we do. Say goodbye to the bells I
waiting in the station long time for your call.
President Lincoln freed the slaves
in less time it takes you tell me how/how not.
How warped these carnation rays to the fairly
full moon misting to once I remember black
your hair 'round the cloud-tipped spires of your mind
when I look down at my heart.
It all topples in a bucket of blueberries too sweet
much too for pie. You might have to stare
long distance past the mountains rising up
'round my valley to ever find me again. That gone
goodbye but what delirious elm shall I do?
Without you the world's the same sad strum.
You imagine the orchestra wild but here
a man who can without you barely hold a tune.
Good on the kazoo. For which you will not
return never who would? Was a land some time
hard in brown & green. All the things you said
to me I wish I could recite. Dark eyes.
What little distance enormous between us.
Winter in the air still fall. Unendingly here
this inescapable & the last to admit
how I must've seemed through the whole
carnival 'til we got to the riverbank. Fireside.
I draw a circle around me only you can enter.
Those days in bed we never had talking
Philip Guston fireflies loving cake hotness
the war what it means to find in another
yourself but brighter & alive.
Now only winter. Nothing until buds
on the white trees whiten my forgetfulness.
Every tongue on earth will speak your name
from now until the overture is buried
they singing Jairan to the end of it or near
the end. Nothing as you know ever really
only that the Allegheny becomes the Ohio.
All the questions then after
the horoscopes I can see you still from the corner
in the corner of my heart doing all. Over
over in the most perfect gauze of darkness.
Bells are ringing somewhere in the city you live.
Copyright © 2011 Michael Schiavo All rights reserved
from Fourteen Hills
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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