Today's poem is by Bruce Bond
Every thrill in us creates unease,
his father said, giving him permission
to risk the journey; to go a little farther.But then, he asked himself, what of the woods
beyond the river that hold a cello in them.
Or the childhood yard made large in us.Even morning asks is there wilderness
that calms. If so, why. What is it exactly.
What in the sky that cools the land it stirs.Or the brash magnolias that wave their silks,
that flag down the traffic of the wind.
Why feather the eye with flowered branches.Is it not for the glow of the naked nerve
that the night bird opens the dark a moment,
or the painting shoots deep into the gazeits arrows of green, as if want could be
a still thing, somewhere between the dead
and the living, the root and the wing.
Copyright © 2011 Bruce Bond All rights reserved
from Pleiades
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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