Today's poem is "Beginning"
from In the Key of Red
Eva Tihanyi
was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1956 and came to Canada when she was six. She teaches at Niagara College in Welland, Ontario, where she has lived since 1989. In the Key of Red is her sixth book of poetry. She has also published a collection of short stories, Truth and Other Fictions (Inanna 2009). She was the literary editor of Niagara Current magazine from 2002 to 2004; freelance fiction reviewer for the National Post (2002 to 2009) and Toronto Star (2000 to 2006); and first novels columnist for Books in Canada (1995 to 1999) (responsible for selecting short list for the Chapters/Books in Canada First Novel Award).
Books by Eva Tihanyi:
Other poems on the web by Eva Tihanyi:
Four poems
Eva Tihanyi's Website.
About In the Key of Red:
"This is a moving and powerful book of honest tenderness; a book full of the clarity that flows when hope has been pierced by sorrow. These are poems that know exactly how close we hold each other when we are saying goodbye."
"Infused with an erotic spirit, these poems describe a range of relationships between the lover and the beloved, the observer and the observed. Tihanyi’s capacity for pleasure and emotional veracity is all the more convincing for her contrasts between a lush, sentient world and a clear-eyed view of contingency. A moving and unflinching collection."
"Tihanyi’s poems sing of absence and yearning, the need for closeness struggling with the desire for personal space, those thorny contradictions of love, all bristle or quiver in Tihanyi’s tight lyrics with an intensity that seduces the reader and resonates in both mind and body long after the last line."
Anne Michaels
Rishma Dunlop
Glen Sorestad
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