Today's poem is "Beach"
from The Grief Performance
Emily Kendal Frey
is the author of the chapbooks Airport (Blue Hour, 2009), Frances (Poor Claudia, 2010), and The New Planet (Mindmade Books, 2010), as well as three chapbook collaborations. She lives in Portland, Oregon.
Books by Emily Kendal Frey:
Other poems on the web by Emily Kendal Frey:
Six poems
from Sorrow Arrow
Two poems
Six poems
Nine poems
from Sorrow Arrow
Five poems
Two poems
Five poems
from Sorrow Arrow
"Love Letter"
Eleven poems
About The Grief Performance:
"Emily Kendal Frey performs grief and dread as a graceful dance, the kind the tree you cut down in your backyard might do on your heart. This work is light, deft, dangerous. There are perfect poems here, such as “The End”, which enacts a simple, startling twist on the hoary injunction to “Walk towards the light.” See, everything you know is wrong. You really have to read this book."
"I've always found Kendal Frey's poems fascinating to the point of transfix—they make compelling reading: I've never started one I didn't finish, something I can say of very few other poets' work. Her first full-length collection surely places her among the most brilliant of today's young poets. The Grief Performance commands and rewards the mind's richest attendance."
"Emily Kendal Frey’s The Grief Performance is a book that condenses a journey of finding and re-finding loss into beautiful packages. The packages are the poems and they sit shiny and new on every page of this fabulous and generous book. I want to go into the world that these poems create, just so that I can be given these terrifying presents again and again. I know you will, too. See you there."
"Emily Kendal Frey's poems are made of words that can fake out death, trick abandonment into a bed, turn love into hands. They are rich with sound, brave with secrets, funny (tragic), and open ( ). She will twist up your heart into your next heart. Settle in. There are three dead people in her."
Rae Amrantrout
Bill Knott
Dorothea Lasky
-Zachary Schomburg
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