Today's poem is
"The Commendation"
from Colorado Review
Dean Young
's new book, Fall Higher, will be published by Copper Canyon in April.
Other poems by Dean Young in Verse Daily:
June 13, 2011: "Is This Why Love Almost Rhymes with Dumb?" "In love there's many obstacles..."
February 2, 2011: "Angel of Erosion" "Grows pale the dulcet gizmo..."
July 9, 2009: "The Fox" "Remember trying to feed the fox?..."
June 29, 2009: "The Euphoria of Peoria" "Help me please breathe..."
February 19, 2008: "Today They Will Show Me the Homunculus" "I knew it was on the other side of the door..."
December 15, 2002: My People "Initially, I too appeared between the legs..."
Books by Dean Young:
Other poems on the web by Dean Young:
Five poems
Thirty-three poems
"Ash Ode"
"Delphiniums in a Window Box"
Four poems
"Poem Without Forgiveness"
"Ode to Hangover"
Three poems
Eleven poems
Two poems
"Peach Farm"
Dean Young according to Wikipedia.
About Colorado Review:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $20
Other poems from Colorado Review in Verse Daily:
Subscription: 1 year, $24
All other poems from Colorado Review that have appeared on Verse Daily:
March 30, 2009: "Hare" by Joseph Campana
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Copyright © 2002-2011 Verse Daily All Rights Reserved
Colorado Review *
P.O. Box 22161 *
Baltimore, MD 21203
Editor: Stephen Reichert
Colorado Review * 9105 Campus Delivery * Department of English * Colorado State University * Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
Poetry Editors: Donald Revell * Sasha Steensen * Matthew Cooperman
August 21, 2010: "Conditionals" by Ryan Flaherty
December 23, 2009: "Untitled" by Ryan Flaherty (translated by Rosmarie Waldrop)
August 29, 2009: "Repititions" by Jennifer Moxley
April 6, 2009: "The People on the Bus" by Stephen Burt
April 4, 2009: "A List of Possibilities in an Uncertain Order" by Jack Ridl
April 2, 2009: "Iridescent, One Might Say" by Mary Ann Samyn
March 31, 2009: "Secret Sea" by Nathan Parker
January 6, 2009: "Ontology and the Platypus" by Kathy Fagan
August 8, 2008: "Smithereens" by L. S. Klatt
August 6, 2008: "Diorama with a 20-Watt Bulb Inside" by John Isles
April 18, 2008: "Bends" by Ron Paul Salutsky
April 15, 2008: "Schrödinger Reincarnated" by Dana Curtis
January 4, 2008: "You'll See a Sailboat" by Jaswinder Bolina
January 2, 2008: "Furlough" by Leslie Williams
December 23, 2007: "Eye Contact" by Craig Morgan Teicher
December 17, 2007: "In a Better World Than This" by James Cushing
November 19, 2007: "Sestina with Random Peace Words" by Monica Raymond
November 22, 2007: "Fighting" by Dana Goodyear
November 21, 2007: "Flicker" by Joanna Klink
November 20, 2007: "Poem Beside Itself" by Graham Foust
November 19, 2007: "Sestina with Random Peace Words" by Monica Raymond
November 8, 2007: "If You Should Care For Me" by Lacy Schutz
October 29, 2007: "Would That We Had" by DLacy Schutz