Today's poem is by Rebecca Givens Rolland
Worse Than The Bite
Memories, won't you please just follow orders,
turn your noses to the garlic at the door,
to the noises in the upper registersthat travel fast and are only heard by feel?
Can't you stay on the leashes you were given,
starred with boredom, rather than tryingto rustle up despair? What will it help
to meditate on how you've lost your window,
your one chance? You've still got spacefor expansion, no need for yellowed suitcases
to drag when you go. Weary-cheeked,
argumentative, but it's obvious you haven'tlost control: it's just a question of keeping
going, sniffing further till you can trace,
from five feet off, a half ripe pear.
Copyright © 2010 Rebecca Givens Rolland All rights reserved
from Barn Owl Review
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