Today's poem is by Myrna Stone
Marvel the Magician's Last Will and Testament
To you, Tallulah, I leave my satin top hat
lest you forget me and our years togetherworking the stage to the music's rat-a-tat.
To you, Tallulah, I leave lily satin top hathung on a bush beside your hutch so that
you'll surely see it whatever the weather.To you, Tallulah, I leave my satin top hat
lest you forget me and our years together.2
To you, Peru, I leave my best wool cloak
to warm your chicks and your broody hen.Such a nest it will make in your dovecote!
To you, Peru, I leave my best wool cloakno strings attached, no mirror, no smoke
and perpetual Tropi-Mix in your seed bin.To you, Peru, I leave my best wool cloak
to warm your chicks and your broody hen.3
To you, Ada, my assistant par excellence,
I leave the bulk of my considerable estateand my cuffs and saw. You will not want.
To you, Ada, my assistant par excellence,I leave my own handbook in a dark haunt
in my cellar beneath an oblong iron grate.To you, Ada, my assistant par excellence,
I leave the bulk of my considerable estate.4
To you my niece, sweet uncomely Claire,
I leave my copy of Love Potions & Spellswhich will aid you in dispelling despair.
To you my niece, sweet uncomely Claire,I leave advice: get a man and bear an heir
for loneliness is a pox only a child quells.To you my niece, sweet uncomely Claire,
I leave my copy of Love Potions & Spells.5
To you, Wilhelmina, my adulterous wife,
I leave a wand (may it conjure me wholeout of the ether), nine hatchets, and a knife.
For you, Wilhelmina, my adulterous wife,there will be no young lovers or flush life
without meyes, I'm a fox, I'm a mole!To you, Wllhelmina, my adulterous wife,
I leave a wand. May it conjure me whole.6
To you, Paolo, my love-child, my only son,
I leave my name. I pray that it sustains you.There is little else, and I am nearly undone.
To you, Paolo, my love-child, my only son,I leave the onus of my fame, all I've begun
and can never finish. O, regret pricks anew!To you, Paolo, my love-child, my only son,
I leave my name. I pray that it sustains you.
Copyright © 2010 Myrna Stone All rights reserved
from The Casanova Chronicles
Etruscan Press
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