Today's poem is by Mary Molinary
Little known bird of the ribcage, Bird Signs
Either 2 birds crossed
The blue air
Just in front of you orMissiles were prepared
& placed on an X-marked borderEither a quiet morning marked
By blossomings-out &
Smallish vegetables orThe political prisoner
Awakes in the same
Cell with the sameFirst thought as yesterday
The cell we have in common
The target we share
What you believed onceStill holds: the body
Free or imprisonedYour bird is your secret
A rod of carbon in an arc
Of light infinitelyBefore we were fossils
We were merely
Hungry & chattering
ConsequentlyThere is the body
Free or imprisoned there is
Justice or there is notPrepare the cell we have in common
Sing your secret bird to sleepThe ribcage is a cage for this
The ribcage is a fine cage for this
Marked little bird of a heart
Birds with seeds (posessions), Bird Signs
When wren
fly from a dyingmouth: erasure
but never silencewingbeat wingbeat
(pbruu pbruu) plusa clearing of tiny
avian throats(trill-true-eet) as
they exitquick-as-poems
one-by-onethe sternum of
the newly dead & taketheir places
in the hearts of sharpskeletal trees
or clamber onto aircurrents they will
ride like eloping lovers
When wren
flee a dying mouth:what's left is nest
for luckypassers-by
during a sudden down-pour who foldnuzzle
into the shelteringmuzzlewhile singing
slightly off-key like a self-
portrait with possessions
The possessions are seeds
I have seen this twice
Copyright © 2010 Mary Molinary All rights reserved
from Beloit Poetry Journal
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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