Today's poem is by Saara Myrene Raappana
Arachne in Detention
So this is the ripe crop of hubris;
time pissed out in the bio room,nothing desk-wise but dust and cobwebs
to catch it. Wire-hung anatomy laminatesbreak the body down, muscles to ligaments:
plastinated, map-flat prints of skin-shedbodyworks rendered painterly, pink,
edges more defined for being shrunk.As punishments go, this is no rock
dropped and pushed and droppedfor eternity; it's starvation for the sultry clasp
of boiling fleece and color. It's bug legsin nectar. This floor is more
web than weft, and I've been reborna speck, bored in a room of rooms,
spider too tiny to nettle Athena's loom.An owl has leaped from the window, gone
hunting, pudgy with options. But my indigois ballpoint at best: doodles (Zeus
loves Leda, or Europa) needled in heartloops(or Danae) on the desk. Gravity, the law
that all things dropunless they're godsto their assigned seats, keeps this chamber
of delinquents in business. Lift the amberof my schoolroom sunward, and you'll see me,
distorted in its prismatic cast, peelingup at the corners like those body diagrams,
their flat meat. I scratch my name in, not to be forgotten.
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