Today's poem is by Henry Israeli
Imaginary Garden: An Afterlife
for Danielle
The day is jade, but smells a little yellow,
like a pineapple, or a boy teetering on a bike,and as church bells sound, a robin
strains to grip a centipede in its beak,some wailing new life begins to unfurl
its makeshift wings, and I lay you downbetween drops of rain, wanting nothing
but to string kisses around your collarto cling to you like the sutures
that once dissolved into your scars.There is a garden that only we know
how to get toa man who sleepscloaked in my shadow sings there
where all the dead I loved still waverin a pond's reflection, where a koi breaks
the surface with its lidless eyes, and I promisenever to look away, not even to blink.
Copyright © 2010 Henry Israeli All rights reserved
from Praying to the Black Cat
Del Sol Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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