Today's poem is
"Unusable Elegy"
from Ninth Letter
Zachary Harris
is writing toward an MFA at Cornell University. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pleiades, West Branch, and Bat City Review.
About Ninth Letter:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $21.95
Ninth Letter *
University of Illinois *
Department of English *
608 South Wright St. *
Urbana, IL 61801
Poetry Editor: Brigit Pegeen Kelly
Other poems by Ninth Letter in Verse Daily:
July 28, 2010: "Youths" by Michael Rutherglen
July 26, 2010: "Love Note" by Leslie Adrienne Miller
February 3, 2010: "Waking Up at the Wheel" by Christopher Kennedy
February 2, 2010: "Maimonides on What Is Meant by 'Vision'" by Benjamin Paloff
June 19, 2009: "A Great Whirring" by Bruce Snider
June 18, 2009: "It Is Virtually Without Thickness and Has Almost" by Angie Estes
June 16, 2009: "The Widdershins Garden" by Olivia Clare
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