Today's poem is "The New Intelligence"
from The Cloud Corporation
Timothy Donnelly
's first book of poems, Twenty-Seven Props for a Production of Eine Lebenszeit, was published by Grove Press in 2003. He is poetry editor for Boston Review and teaches at Columbia University's School of the Arts.
Other poems by Timothy Donnelly in Verse Daily:
Books by Timothy Donnelly:
Other poems on the web by Timothy Donnelly:
Timothy Donnelly according to Wikipedia.
September 2, 2010: "His Theogony" "In the bathtub I envision..."
"The Night Ship"
"The Driver of the Car Is Unconscious"
"Dark Night on the Inside of a Rock"
Two Poems
"Partial Inventory of Airborne Debris"
"Birdsong from Inside the Egg"
from “Fun for the Shut-In”
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