Today's poem is
from Ninth Letter
Michael Rutherglen
is from Charlottesville, Virginia. He was the recipient of a 2008 Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. Some of his poems have appeared in Poetry, Colorado Review, and Prairie Schooner; other are forthcoming in the Antioch Review.
Other poems on the web by Michael Rutherglen:
Two poems
Two poems
About Ninth Letter:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $21.95
Ninth Letter *
University of Illinois *
Department of English *
608 South Wright St. *
Urbana, IL 61801
Poetry Editor: Brigit Pegeen Kelly
Other poems by Ninth Letter in Verse Daily:
July 26, 2010: "Love Note" by Leslie Adrienne Miller
February 3, 2010: "Waking Up at the Wheel" by Christopher Kennedy
February 2, 2010: "Maimonides on What Is Meant by 'Vision'" by Benjamin Paloff
June 19, 2009: "A Great Whirring" by Bruce Snider
June 18, 2009: "It Is Virtually Without Thickness and Has Almost" by Angie Estes
June 16, 2009: "The Widdershins Garden" by Olivia Clare
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