Today's poem is
two poems from Bird Signs
from Beloit Poetry Journal
Mary Molinary
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Other poems by Mary Molinary in Verse Daily:
About Beloit Poetry Journal:
September 7, 2005: "Faced with 8:38" and "8:38 is straw" "Faced with 8:38 (its form & function..."
Subscription: 1 year (4 issues), $18
Other poems from Beloit Poetry Journal in Verse Daily:
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Publications Noted & Received
Beloit Poetry Journal * P.O. Box 151 * Farmington, ME 04938
Editor: John Rosenwald & Lee Sharkey
June 15, 2010: "Hokkaido" by Lucia Perillo
March 6, 2010: "two poems from Bird Signs" by Nathaniel Perry
September 10, 2009: "Destinations, VI." by Nick Courtright
June 22, 2009: "A Dog in Hanoi" by Joseph Duemer
February 25, 2009: "Evening" by Steve Wilson
December 8, 2008: ": Shadow : Dwelling : " by Jessica Goodfellow
September 13, 2008: "Difficult Speech: Welcome" by Molly Tenenbaum
May 29, 2008: "A Song in There" by Betsy Sholl
May 27, 2008: "Apostrophe to What's Still Here" by Christine Marshall
February 12, 2008: "Jazz from Cripple City" by Stephen Kuusisto
December 27, 2007: "Fetching" by Christopher Matthews
December 26, 2007: "One of the Magi" by Greg Wrenn
September 14, 2007: "A Story About Things" by Heather Maki
September 13, 2007: "The Chapter of the Rending in Sunder" by Mia Nussbaum
September 10, 2007: "Extravagance" by Steve Wilson
March 25, 2007: "Lullaby" by Seth Abramson
March 24, 2007: "Directions" by Erin Malone
March 20, 2007: "Doing Hegel's Laundry" by Melissa Tuckey
December 7, 2006: "Ghost Train" by Rhoda Janzen
September 19, 2006: "Blue Visits" by Rane Arroyo
June 25, 2006: "The Mortgaging of Self Is Done" by Aimée Sands
June 20, 2006: "Sisyphus" by Malcolm Alexander
March 31, 2006: from The Book of Zeros by Sam Reed
March 30, 2006: "What You See If You Use Water as a Mirror" by Jessica Goodfellow
March 28, 2006: "St. Francis in Winter" by Marianne Boruch
March 27, 2006: "Marianne Boruch" by Matthew Thorburn
January 13, 2006: "from Gomorrah, a sequence" by Tony Brinkley
January 4, 2006: "For Orts" by Ander Monson
January 1, 2006: "Milkweed" by Susan Maxwell
September 8, 2005: "Roman Elegy" by Michael Snediker
September 7, 2005: "Faced with 8:38" and "8:38 is straw" " Mary Molinary
September 5, 2005: "Off in the darkness hourses moved restlessly" " Albert Goldbarth
July 23, 2005: "Elemental: Nitrogen" Suzanne Heyd
July 22, 2005: "The Blue-Gray Body of the Zambezi" Dawn Lonsinger
July 20, 2005: "Making History" and "A Disappearing Act" Karl Elder
March 4, 2005: "Catherine Blake" by Rebecca Dunham
March 3, 2005: "Cartographic" by Joshua Rivkin
March 2, 2005: "Turning 50" by Bruce A. Jacobs
August 28, 2004: "Obsolescence" by Leigh Anne Couch
August 27, 2004: "The Weight of the World" by Frank Steele
August 26, 2004: "For the Suicides" by Lola Haskins
August 25, 2004: "Half Life" by Reynolds Dixon
August 24, 2004: "The Last Ivory-Billed Woodpecker" by Bruce Tindall
June 11, 2004: "Famish" by Lisa Furmanski
June 8, 2004: "A Short History of the Republic" by John Haines
March 7, 2004: "Waning Moon" by Conrad Hilberry
March 5, 2004: "Portrait of the Family Without a Father" by Ken Victor
March 4, 2004: "At the Intersection" by Andrea Heny
March 1, 2004: "Marriage Bed" by Annie Boutelle
December 23, 2003: "Exactly at midnight" by Margaret Aho
April 8, 2003: "The Totality of Facts" by Allan Peterson
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