Today's poem is "The Transformation"
from Vivisect
Lisa Lewis
’s previous collections are The Unbeliever (Brittingham Prize), Silent Treatment (National Poetry Series), Story Box (Poetry West Chapbook Contest), and Burned House with Swimming Pool (American Poetry Journal Book Prize). Her work has appeared in many literary journals and anthologies, including the American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, American Literary Review, Fence, Rattle, Missouri Review, Washington Square, the Pushcart Prize anthology, and two editions of Best American Poetry. She directs the creative writing program at Oklahoma State University and serves as poetry editor for the Cimarron Review.
All the poems by Lisa Lewis that have appeared on Verse Daily:
Books by Lisa Lewis:
Other poems on the web by Lisa Lewis:
Lisa Lewis according to Wikipedia.
About Vivisect:
"The remarkable dynamism of this book comes partly from the struggle it enacts between the confessional and postmodern modes. As the title Vivisect suggests, Lewis often seems to slice right into the living body, exposing the heart itself still beating with its dark secrets. But if language is the scalpel, it is also the flesh, offering at times a tough or slippery resistance, and revealing, when penetrated, more language that leads in multiple and unexpected directions, yet, like the mind, keeps circling back irresistibly to the troubling subjects it most wants to avoid. The result is rich, powerful, and complex poetry that gathers more weight with each reading."
September 17, 2010: "Mystes" "A calm arrested the vibrato of tunnels...."
Two poems
"A Question About Horses"
"Code of Honor"
"A Threat in May"
"Bottles, and Oats: Poems"
Jeffrey Harrison
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