Today's poem is "Letter Home No. 3"
from Logorrhea Dementia
Kyle Dargan
’s previous collection of poems Bouquet of Hungers received the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award, and his debut collection, The Listening, was the winner of the Cave Canem Poetry Prize. He is the former managing editor of Callaloo and the founder and current editor of POST NO ILLS magazine. He is an assistant professor of literature and creative writing at American University in Washington, D.C.
Books by Kyle Dargan:
Other poems on the web by Kyle Dargan:
Three poems
Seven poems
"Note Blue or Poem for Eighties Babies"
Three poems
About Logorrhea Dementia:
"Kyle Dargan has not let contemporary poetics fool him, so don’t let Kyle Dargan fool you. He’s a romantic (small r) with an insatiable desire to construct new meaning in order to heal old experiences. In Logorrhea Dementia, Dargan puts his foot not just into his mouth but also into his heart, worrying the reader into reading experiences that are as otherworldy as they are logical. You will either love this poet or be afraid of the way he integrates theory and prosody then pulls them apart again. Both hip and academic, serious and laid back, he seems never to exist on the page without the strength of both of his eyes doing different things in the name of all of his senses."
"Dargan imagines parts of his body abandoning the whole, his heart walking out of his chest, but he always 'remain[s] beautiful in the event / of emergency.' His sneaky, cynical humor finds inspiration in sources as diverse as cartoons, bad movies, overheard cell phone conversations. Dargan titles one of my favorite poems ‘I'll See It When I Believe It.’ With vividness, with style, over and over: he's made a believer out of me."
Thomas Sayers Ellis
Kim Roberts
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