Today's poem is
from Harvard Review
Kiki Petrosino is the author of Fort Red Border (Sarabande Books, 2009). She lives in Iowa City.Other poems by Kiki Petrosino in Verse Daily:
August 12, 2009: "Valentine" "Today I got rejected from the Bible...."Books by Kiki Petrosino:
Other poems on the web by Kiki Petrosino:
Three poems
"You Have Made a Career of Not Listening"About Harvard Review:
Subscription: One-year $16
Harvard Review *
Lamont Library *
Harvard University *
Cambridge, MA 02138
Poetry Editor: Major Jackson
Other poems by Harvard Review in Verse Daily:
March 7, 2009: "Rock Me, Mama" by Erica Dawson
August 1, 2008: "1992 (Nachtlied)" by Lizzie Hutton
July 30, 2008: "Trajectory" by Laurie Blauner
July 28, 2008: "Captain America" by Matt Hart
January 9, 2008: "Canto of the Examination (24: Eighth Sphere)" by John Kinsella
January 7, 2008: "The Traffic" by Philip Schultz
July 12, 2007: "The Riddle of the Sphinx Moth" by Sarah Hannah
July 8, 2007: "Confessions of a Music Box" by Bruce Bond
February 11, 2007: "Children" by Steven Cramer
February 10, 2007: "In Muir Woods" by June Beisch
January 11, 2007: "On Divination by Birds" by Kimberly Johnson
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