Today's poem is
"I Was Using Your Mail Order Drugs"
from Salt Hill Journal
Karyna McGlynn's first book, I Have to Go Back to 1994 and Kill a Girl, won the 2008 Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry from Sarabande Books. She is the author of several chapbooks including the forthcoming collaboration, Small Shrines (Cinematheque Press, 2010). Her poems have appeared in Fence, Indiana Review, Columbia Poetry Review, Copper Nickel, The Journal and Forklift, Ohio. She was recently the Claridge Writerin-Residence at Illinois College. She currently teaches at Concordia University in Austin, TX and edits L4: The Journal of the New American Epigram with Adam Theriault.Other poems by Karyna McGlynn in Verse Daily:
November 16, 2009: "I Show Up Twelve Years Late For Curfew" "I appear cold, muddy, unstable in the foyer...."February 16, 2008: "Before Anything Happened the House Had No Skeleton" "the termites had deboned the thing..."
Books by Karyna McGlynn:
Other poems on the web by Karyna McGlynn:
"Of All the Dead People I Know"
"Erin with the Feathered Hair"
Three poems
"The Camp River Poems"
Five poems
Two poems
Two poems
Three poems
"Cleopatra 365"
Four poems
Three poems
"Amanda at 4"
"For Colleen Found On Sunday"
"Snap-Button Lock"
Four poems
"How to Delicately Detect I Lied About the Dosing"
"Cypress Point"
"Emmett and the White Boy"
"Yellow Coffee Cup"
"Renaming the Bridesmaids"
Two poems
"Deep Eddy"Karyna McGlynn According to Wikipedia.
About Salt Hill Journal:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $15
Salt Hill Journal *
Syracuse University *
English Department *
Syracuse, NY 13244
Poety Editors: Kelinda Jones * Billy Templeton III
Other poems by Salt Hill Journal in Verse Daily:
May 1, 2010: "Grunion" by Dore Kiesselbach
April 30, 2010: "More Precisely" by Ander Monson
September 5, 2009: "Do the Right Thing" by Adrian Matejka
June 10, 2009: "After All This" by Richard Jackson
June 8, 2009: "Surrender" by Dorianne Laux
November 13, 2008: from "All the Purple Deer" by Christopher Shipman
November 12, 2008: "Andalusia" by Matthew Rohrer
November 11, 2008: "Every Will Builds Itself a Satellite" by Chris Tonelli
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