
Today's poem is "Scheherazade"
from The Livelihood of Crows

Mayapple Press

Jayne Pupek was the author of the novel Tomato Girl (Algonquin Books, 2008) and a book of poems, Forms of Intercession (Mayapple Press, 2008). Her writing appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies. Pupek was a Virginia native and former social worker.

Books by Jayne Pupek:

Other poems on the web by Jayne Pupek:
"Self-Portrait with Skeleton Arm"
Two poems
"Hitchhiker on Route 231"
Two poems
Three poems
"Missing Girl, 1986"
"Nude Woman, Charcoal"
Two poems

Jayne Pupek's website.

About The Livelihood of Crows:

"The Livelihood of Crows, Jayne Pupek offers stories of mystery, luck, and particularly a humane understanding for the lapse in judgment and love. Her poems are filled with notes and reminders that you might well need to hear."
—Valerie Fox

"In this most recent collection of Jayne Pupek's poetry, we experience the slipperiness of language, of meaning, of life. Pupek's seemingly straight-forward language tumbles from image to image, justaposed in such startling ways that the words say more than they mean. Pupek's bold narrative voice—laced with dark humor—takes us on a journey through beauty and brokenness, through the fragile 'fusion of two humans' that echoes with loss, but not necessarily regret. Many poems are shadowed by crows and other opportunists, such as door-to-door proselytizers and the forces that might take our minds, or our lives. The Livelihood of Crows is an astonishing, haunting book."
—Kate Evans

"Pupek creates a world of sensuality emanating from the banal, the quotidian, all of it—in remarkable beauty and exceptional contemplation. Pupek's imagery is lambent and vivid."
—John Vick

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