
Today's poem is "Identities"
from Ledger of Crossroads

Louisiana State University Press

James Brasfield has twice been a Senior Fulbright Fellow to Ukraine and has received fellowships in poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. He is a recipient of a Pushcart Prize, the American Association for Ukrainian Studies Prize in Translation, and the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. He is the cotranslator of The Selected Poems of Oleh Lysheha.

Books by James Brasfield:

Other poems on the web by Author Name:
"Coast Range"

James Brasfield According to Wikipedia.

About Ledger of Crossroads:

"It is not common for any poet to be able to render a landscape with such sensitive authority as James Brasfield does in Ledger of Crossroads. But this poet evokes two very different worlds, their appearances and their very souls, with equal skill and equal success. If the first part of Ledger of Crossroads offers a haunted and haunting atmosphere, as of middle Europe, the latter poems of the American South bring us a humid, gritty, and undeniable accuracy. An amazing debut and an indelible reading experience!"
—Fred Chappell

"Lyrical, dark, elegiac, urbane, James Brasfield's voice finds music in the quietest moments, in 'two bags of potatoes on a little wooden sled.' And all the while the `snow is falling across Europe' of his elegies, and trains from Kyiv arrive bringing us Brasfield's honest voice that speaks directly to us, without patronizing. His engagement with history is lyrical to its very core; each detail shows us an 'anonymous part of what is seen, / where light within, as from an ikon, / radiates above the street."
—Ilya Kaminsky

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