Today's poem is "Self-Portrait in the Town Where I Was Born"
from Persons Unknown
Jake Adam York
is an associate professor of English at the University of Colorado, Denver. His previous volume in this sequence, A Murmuration of Starlings, was published by Southern Illinois University Press in 2008. His poems have appeared in various journals, including Blackbird, Diagram, Greensboro Review, Gulf Coast, H_NGM_N, New Orleans Review, Shenandoah, and Southern Review.
Books by Jake Adam York:
Other poems on the web by Jake Adam York:
"A Natural History of Mississippi"
Four poems
Three poems
"Elegy for James Knox"
"The Crowd He Becomes"
Seven poems
"Legba Says"
Two poems
Three poems
Ten poems
Two poems
"Double Negative"
Four poems
Two poems
Jake Adam York's Website.
Jake Adam York According to Wikipedia.
Jake Adam York on Twitter.
About Persons Unknown:
"Jake Adam York’s beautiful poetry reclaims the voices of America’s disappeared. This elegant victory of memory offers us a map to justice and hope if we but heed the call."
"These poems are corrosive, blunt, historical as photographs we know from front-page news, but they have also the depth and tang of sweet dawn before anything has happened, before the lynchings, the blood. . . . Persons Unknown is bravely done work and Jake Adam York is, now, a necessary poet among us."
"Elegiac and epic, these poems broaden the limits of the American imagination on the subject of Jim Crow, an era as worthy of mythologizing as the War of Independence or World War II. I am grateful that York is applying his prodigious talent to this history and I am profoundly shaken by the result."
"Never does Persons Unknown resort to simplistic political hindsight; far more, this is a fine book of poetry, a record of the wounded human heart seeking the balm of time, even in the bitter dark of time."
Susan M. Glisson
Dave Smith
Anthony Grooms
Maurice Manning
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